It was a great novelty and a great success! “Obiettivi a canestro 2024” was the subtitle of the event held on 9 February at Maddalena Spa to share the company’s objectives and strategies for the year that had just begun. The metaphor of basketball provided the background for this intense day whose special guests were Davide Micalich and Stefano Pillastrini, President and Coach of the Cividale Eagles Basket team.
As in sport, business success depends on the team’s ability to work together, in a coordinated manner, towards a common goal. Each team member has a defined role that is crucial to the overall result, and collaboration is essential for success. As in basketball, leaders, capable of inspiring and motivating, guide the team towards shared goals, ensuring that each individual contributes to the best of his or her ability!

So the fourth generation Maddalena in charge today – represented by Andrea Contin, Giovanni Maddalena and Filippo Fontanelli – shared context and game plans to steer the group, which has rapidly grown to over 160, towards challenging goals for the next three years.
Buoyed by the Eagles’ powerful motivational speech, the ball then passed into the hands of the area managers who, in perfect team spirit, shared their teams’ goals and objectives and laid the foundations for a value proposition to work on in a choral manner at all levels.
During the day, which was full of speeches and dense with emotion, the foundations were essentially laid for building a behavioural pact, to give substance to the organisation’s values, translating them into concrete actions, which everyone undertook to implement from the following day, in their own operational context, and which will guide their daily activities. Facilitated by the specialists of DOF Consulting, a research and creative experimentation centre known for the realisation of high-impact events, aimed precisely at continuous improvement and sharing, it is not a simple list of behaviours and good practices, but rather a testimony of value built in a participatory manner where the guiding words are synergy, passion, listening and assumption of responsibility.
Watch the video of the Eagles vs Trapani game press conference where Micalich dedicates the win to Maddalena Spa!!!