Maddalena as outstanding company of north-eastern Italy
Last November 26, the fifth meeting of the symposium “Eccellenze del Nordest. Symposium 2019” (outstanding…
Last November 26, the fifth meeting of the symposium “Eccellenze del Nordest. Symposium 2019” (outstanding…
Maddalena and the colleagues of the German branch, Maddalena GmbH, will take part at…
Once again we will be attending the European Utility Week in Paris. You will find…
Saturday 21 September, Maddalena celebrated 100 years of activity with a special event held at…
Organized by Maddalena ditributor for Ukraine and the Kiev water utility, the meeting was held…
The 28th edition of Pollutec, the international trade show for environmental…
Last 4 June Maddalena attended a workshop on the 2015 edition of the ISO 9001 standard and the changes it brings…
From May 16 to May 18 Maddalena will be taking part as a partner and speaker to…
On the 28th and 29th September, Maddalena will take part to the HeiKo fair in Kassel, Germany. The fair is a…
Maddalena reaches another milestone with the Frost & Sullivan 2017 Best Practices Award – Global Smart Water…
Maddalena recently won a tender in France to supply one of the main water utilities…
At the mobile technology exhibition we presented the ARROWwan MVM radio…