The process of raising awareness among young generations on the issue of water continues, promoted by the Municipality of Povoletto, together with CAFC S.p.A., which manages the integrated water service throughout the territory, and Maddalena Spa, a world leader in the sector of measure of water.
Over 300 water bottles were delivered on Wednesday 12 May to the pupils of the Primary and Secondary School of first degree and to the entire teaching staff of Povoletto as part of the program that saw the purchase and connection by the Administration Municipal of 3 water dispensers at the school complex of Marsure di Sotto.

“The School and Environment Project, realized thanks to the contribution of the FVG Region, aims to involve teachers and pupils to encourage initiatives for the reduction of single-use plastics combined with the responsible use of water resources in the name of Sustainable Development” commented the Mayor Castenetto.
“An important training experience – confirmed Elena Romano – that allowed the students to work on building a critical and environmental awareness with a careful look at a glocal dimension, thanks to the synthesis between the activities carried out in the classroom, the re-elaboration of contents enjoyed with an in-depth video broadcast in DAD on World Water Day and access to the water in the dispensers with the bottles donated today ”.
Satisfied Maddalena Spa and Cafc Spa who with their contribution have promoted a message that speaks of water efficiency and sustainability and that directly involves the younger generations and directs them towards a correct consumption of “Mayor’s water”, healthy, controlled, good and zero km.
On the occasion of the ceremony, the works made by the pupils of the “G. Marchetti “on the theme” Water: a precious asset” have been exposed in the School’s small gym.

This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals