Maddalena Spa joins the WHP (Workplace Health Promotion) Network
The regional programme requires participating companies not only to implement all measures to prevent occupational injuries and illnesses, but also to offer their workers opportunities to improve their health, reducing general risk factors and in particular those most involved in the genesis of chronic diseases.
The WHP Friuli Venezia Giulia Network thus aims to become a network of companies committed to implementing Good Practices in the field of Worker Health Promotion, according to a predefined pathway.
Maddalena SpA, which has always been very sensitive to the well-being and safety of its employees, has adhered to the WHP programme by adopting a series of policies with a direct impact on the lives of all employees, building a workplace every day that promotes health and safety, encourages physical activity, promotes healthy eating, and implements measures to improve well-being at work and beyond.
Among the good corporate practices presented for 2023/24, we have chosen to focus on the Welfare projects promoted with the contribution of the #Concliamo call (Intercompany Summer Centre and Corporate Butler) and on the promotion of physical activity, which has seen us and sees us involved in numerous sports and aggregating initiatives (Basketball, Tennis, Baskin, Cycling, Telethon…).
For 2024/25, we will also be working on the promotion of a healthy and proper diet, a topic already touched upon in the company in the years before Covid, always of primary importance for people’s health.
This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals