Within a global market, companies are increasingly having to account for their conduct and ethics not only in towards shareholders and employees, but also in relation to civil society. The SA8000:2014 standard (SA: Social Accountability) is the first international standard about Corporate Social Responsibility; it is a management model that aims to enhance and protect the human resources of organizations that adopt it and want to stand out for their commitment to sustainable development, in particular for social issues.
The standard contains 9 social requirements oriented to increase the competitive capacity of organizations that voluntarily provide a guarantee of ethical compliance with their production cycle and their supply chain, its application involves compliance with the minimum requirements about human and social rights standards, in particular by analyzing the following aspects:
1. Child labour
2. Forced or Compulsory labour
3. Health and safety (important requirement for our company that has recently added ISO 45001:2015 to the certification standards already in the system)
4. Freedom of association and right to collective bargaining
5. Discrimination
6. Disciplinary practices
7. Working hours
8. Remuneration
9. Management System

Social Fingerprint Maddalena Spa 2020: 3.6 / 5
Some of these aspects may seem obvious in a reality such as Italy, however the SA8000 standard is a valid standard at international level and must therefore adapt to all realities, from the most advanced to those less developed, with very different problems and criticalities.
Maddalena Spa has investigated each of the requirements of the standard through the elaboration of a set of indicators (KPIs) capable of capturing the company’s particularities and useful to map the requirements of the standard itself. For easy reading of the same you can download and view the infographics made on data at 31/12/2020.
Through the infographic of the KPI 2020 and the Social Report SA8000, Maddalena Spa demonstrates its commitment to Corporate Social Responsibility with particular reference to the following Objectives of the United Nations 2030 Agenda [3 good health and well-being, 4 quality education, 5 gender equality, 8 decent work and economic growth, 10 reduced inequalities, 16 peace, justice and strong institutions]
The SA8000 certification is the first concrete and documented part of the path of Sustainability undertaken by the company for about a year and that enumerates also the award of the Silver Sustainability Rating di Ecovadis 2021 and to be part of the exclusive community Sustainability Award promoted by Credit Suisse and KON Gorup, that allowed Maddalena Spa to be mentioned on Forbes in the ranking of 100 Italian sustainable excellence.

This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the 2030 Agenda Goals