Sustainability by the book

May 13th, 2022

Maddalena Spa keeps working towards a path of integrated sustainability; we believe that the whole company must speak about sustainability and not just a specific department: it’s a path hard to walk, full of gratification and toward which we are working tirelessly. The implementation of the new quick guide (small format manuals) it’s a step in that direction.

The synergic collaboration between different departments started a conversation on how the company provides its clients with product manuals: until now they were printed and shipped along with the product.

13 tons of paper is the weight of the product manuals that Maddalena Spa prints every year! An expensive process both from the environmental and the economic point of view.

Sustainability by the book

With the implementation of the new quick guide, the client has to scan the QR code shipped along with the product and download the product manual on any electronic device. This simple solution will allow us to save almost 80% (10 tons) and  has been introduced with the first batch of Electo SJ.

Based on the data from an article published by A2A “to obtain a ton of paper from wood we need 15 trees, more than 400 thousand liter of water and more than 7 thousand kWh of electricity”

This means that the new quick guide will allow us to:

  • save over 150 trees every year
  • save 4.000.000 liters of water
  • reduce of 70.000 kWh the consumption of electricity

Economic sustainability by the book!

This project helps Maddalena S.p.A.
contribute to the Agenda 2030 Goals

Goal 12 responsible consumption and production

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