The SA8000 – Social Accountability – ethical certification is the first internationally recognised standard that certifies the social responsibility of a business. SA8000 is a management model that aims to enrich and protect the people of the organizations that adopt it.
It is a voluntary standard, present in all major industrialized countries, and defines the requirements to be met to ensure the quality of people’s working conditions.
Obtaining the certification is a goal that Maddalena S.p.A. is proud to have achieved and that testifies to the company’s commitment in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility.

Maddalena S.p.A. has been certified by CISE, a body accredited by SAAS for the issue of SA8000 certifications. This choice stems from a careful evaluation of the economic, social and cultural context in which our company operates, and from the awareness of the value, impact and social repercussions of our activities and actions.
As a result of our SA8000 certification, Maddalena S.p.A. is required to:
- Annually monitor our KPIs, the indicators associated with the nine requirements of the Standard
- Maintain the active involvement of our Social Performance Team, a body consisting of a balanced representation of workers and management
- Select and evaluate our suppliers based on their willingness to share in the principles of SA8000

The Standard requires that our employees and collaborators can anonymously submit suggestions, reports or complaints concerning the SA8000 Management System. The communications submitted in this manner are received by the workers’ representatives in the Social Performance Team. Maddalena S.p.A. guarantees the utmost confidentiality on the facts contained in the communications and the right to maintain anonymity. Additionally, no form of discrimination whatsoever shall be exercised against the submitter should they freely and deliberately choose to forgo anonymity.
Reports, complaints and communications may be submitted using any of the following options:
- Contact the SA8000 Social Performance Team using the REPORTING FORM
- Write an email to the CISE Certification Body at the address
- Write to SAAS (Social Accountability Accreditation Service) by e-mail to or by post to SAAS, 220 East 23rd Street, Suite 605, New York, New York 10010, USA (fax: +212-684-1515)

The SA8000 Standard evaluates in depth nine requirements aimed at increasing the competitive capacity of organizations that voluntarily provide a guarantee of ethical compliance of their production cycle and their supply chain. Maddalena S.p.A. has analysed each of the requirements by developing a set of indicators (KPIs) that capture the specific characteristics of the company.
- Child labour
- Forced labour
- Health and safety
- Freedom of association
- Discrimination
- Disciplinary practices
- Working hours
- Remuneration
- Management systems
The results of the analysis are published in a detailed infographic and updated annually.