Monday, June 20, 2022 marked the inauguration of the new season of the I.CO.P. S.p.A. Company Benefit Intercompany Summer Camp, which for years has seen the collaboration of the Martina Srl Company, but that from this year is also carried out in collaboration with Maddalena Spa.
A valuable initiative aimed at all the families of the collaborators and employees of the three companies in the Friuli region that have children between the ages of 3 and 15, launched, this year, thanks to the awarding of the #Conciliamo Call.
This is an important project, unique in the area, carried out with the contribution of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers – Department for Family Policies, created prior to the Covid19 emergency with the aim of relaunching Corporate Welfare in Italy with concrete actions and finally approved after more than two years since its announcement.
Summer Camp promotes reconciliation
Volto all’erogazione di finanziamenti alle imprese che realizzano progetti di conciliazione vita-lavoro, il bando ha rappresentato l’occasione per far lavorare sinergicamente I.CO.P., Maddalena S.p.A. e Martina S.r.l. in nome del benessere dei loro dipendenti ed in piena rispondenza ai principi della Certificazione SA8000.
“This is the first initiative involving three companies, which we will continue thanks to the contribution DIPOFAM’s contribution” – says Piero Petrucco, CEO of I.CO.P. – “The Summer Camp will be open from June 20 to September 9 and will offer families a truly appreciable opportunity for their children to experience summer in the city while mom and dad work!”
In fact, more than 30 children will have free access to the spaces dedicated to them in the company garden in Basiliano, during office hours, to enjoy a fun-filled summer, in total safety and in the open air, making new friends and cultivating the sociability that is increasingly needed nowadays.
Everything is designed and implemented in the name of Sustainability: children from the other companies will travel to the headquarter by electric bus and at noon they will have lunch in the company cantees where the cooks prepare fresh and km0 food every day. There is only one, single obligation: one hour a day is dedicated to summer homework and there is no compromise on that!
Last ,but not least, is that as a result of the Ukrainian crisis and downstream of the reception project that I.CO.P. is carrying out, it has been decided to take in some Ukrainian children supervised by a mediator hired to foster the integration of the children and the interculturality of the project.
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Questo progetto aiuta Maddalena S.p.A.
a contribuire agli Obiettivi dell’Agenda 2030